Pro-Ject Phono Box DS3-B
At Pro-Ject, balanced connections were exclusive to our RS range of products until now. The Phono Box DS3 B model offers some of the high-end features of the Phono Box RS2 at an affordable price and trusted Pro-Ject quality. One of those is our new True Balanced Connection.
High-End Features and Limitless Loading Options
The Phono Box DS3 B employs a steel chassis enveloped by aluminum panels. This construction offers very high rigidity and isolation against interferences, which is essential for the new technology inside. Magnetic wooden side panels are available separately as add-ons. You can connect up to two turntables simultaneously – all parameters for each input get stored in the memory. Perfectly match the Phono Box DS3 B to a wide variety of cartridges. Load impedance can be set continuously via a potentiometer, a system invented by Pro-Ject Audio Systems, to adjust the impedance during playback and assess the impact of different loading options in real-time. No other manufacturer implements this feature as elegantly!
Balanced By Nature
Cartridges are balanced signal transducers by nature! Due to the internal wiring of MM cartridges, you’ll need a MC cartridge to access the entirety of that balanced signal. Together with our new True Balanced Connection cables you’ll be able to access high-end features that were previously only available on the most expensive phono stages. And the best: any Pro-Ject turntable with RCA, miniXLR or 5P output can do it!
The symmetrical design is the fundamental standout feature! Connect your turntable via the 5-pin mini XLR cable or standard XLR cables and enjoy the benefits of our new True Balanced Connection. A truly balanced gain stage can extract the final musical information, effectively filtering out any noise from interferences stemming from our noisy, modern homes (household appliances, wifi & Bluetooth, power cables, audio amplifiers).